On 9th and 10th of November 2016 the project kick off meeting took place in Carpi (Italy), hosted by partner ANS. Aim of the meeting was to plan all the initial project activities with a focus on the first expected outcome, a research report on how burn out affects nurses and care workers in the countries involved.
Author: admin
Meeting in Carpi – 9, 10 November 2016
The first meeting will take place in Italy in October 2016 and will have the purpose to introduce the partner organizations to each other and the steering committee,to make a thorough planning of the projects on common grounds, to agree on work procedures and discuss about the design and achievement of the comparative analysis and the curricula.
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the project
Job strain is a long-standing problem for nurses and care workers irrespective of nationality, type of nursing training, area or type of clinical or nonclinical work. Nurses and care workers are stressful jobs, as they are characterized by exposure to a wide range of potentially stressful situations and conditions. Job stressors include factors such as excessive or high workloads , irregular and unsocial hours of work, physical tiredness, the emotional demands of dealing with sick patients and t...
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur pharetra metus augue, elementum facilisis ipsum convallis eget. Aenean pretium metus elit, ac tristique nisi rhoncus id. Ut ipsum ante, cursus sit amet rutrum ac, venenatis varius sem. Nunc eget rutrum eros. Curabitur dapibus dolor nulla. Quisque in porttitor tortor. Donec ultricies nibh sit amet malesuada fermentum. Ut et adipiscing massa, vel blandit nisl. Maecenas auctor nulla ut odio ultrices ullamcorper. Phasellus mattis pha...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur pharetra metus augue, elementum facilisis ipsum convallis eget. Aenean pretium metus elit, ac tristique nisi rhoncus id. Ut ipsum ante, cursus sit amet rutrum ac, venenatis varius sem. Nunc eget rutrum eros. Curabitur dapibus dolor nulla. Quisque in porttitor tortor. Donec ultricies nibh sit amet malesuada fermentum. Ut et adipiscing massa, vel blandit nisl. Maecenas auctor nulla ut odio ultrices ullamcorper. Phasellus mattis pha...